Legal Compliance
This tool is designed to help charities decide on the most suitable legal form – you will need to answer a series of questions about how you want the charity to operate, and receive a suggestion of the most suitable legal form for your charity.
Advocates for International Development now offers a free online legal health check to help you identify your charity’s legal needs. You can access this and other free e-learning from A4ID.
LawWorks hosts online legal resources for charities, including videos explaining relevant areas of law.
Useful Services
Recently there have been many changes in how charities must comply with data protection legislation. If you are concerned about your data compliance Plug the Gap can provide help and advice.
Useful Services
Advocates for International Development offers a broker service, matching requests for free legal assistance with one of its 50,000+ lawyers worldwide. It primarily assists charities working to benefit those in developing countries.
Useful Services
iProbono is a non-profit online network connecting civil society organisations and social businesses in need of legal assistance with lawyers and students who want to use their legal skills for the public good.
Useful Services
LawWorks offer free legal assistance for small charities by matching requests for free legal assistance with volunteer lawyers. It assists charities working to benefit individuals in England and Wales. For individuals it hosts a network of drop in clinics across the country.
Useful Services
TrustLaw Connect is a pro-bono legal service run by the Reuters Foundation. Applications for legal support are individually assessed, and if the charity meets the programme criteria they are matched with a legal firm.
Useful Websites
DSC offers a range of training courses and publications designed specifically for charities. Topics include understanding charity law; data protection; and understanding the different legal structures your organisation can take.
Useful Websites
VolResource aims to provide practical resources for people involved in charities. It acts as a portal bringing together information, a wide range of links to relevant web sites, alongside tips on key issues and what to look out for elsewhere .
This framework is designed to help charities self-assess their communications to understand whether they hold consent to send Direct Marketing communications to an individual and identify where change may be necessary.
White Fuse has created free templates for your Data Protection Policy and Privacy Policy with accompanying guidance notes.