The Board of the Small Charities Coalition wish to convey their heartfelt thanks for the support that the charity has received since it was reported that we will close.
We recognise that SCC has occupied an important space in supporting small and newly formed charitable organisations and that our closure will leave a significant gap in the provision of that support.
To this end, we have been working with key partners including infrastructure organisations, specialist support organisations, funders and others to establish how the gaps can be filled after our closure. We are in conversation to transfer the HelpDesk to a new home ensuring its sustainability but whilst also maintaining its distinctness and we will soon be inviting potential host organisations to submit an expression of interest. The link to this will be posted on our website and social media pages.
Beyond the initial plan to preserve the HelpDesk for small charities, there is a wider conversation about developing a collaborative approach which will empower small charities and enable them to access resources, which to date, they have struggled to secure.
This will take engagement and a better understanding of the small charity sector and its needs.
Currently we are extrapolating and interpreting the data from the HelpDesk and this will be shared with the sector.
More broadly we are pleased to be undertaking a planned and constructive closure. A crucial part of this is our work with Iona Lawrence who is supporting us to compile our final evaluation report which will share our learning and understanding of the needs of small charities. This will be published publicly in March 2022.
Thank you to all who have contributed to this piece, as the response has been overwhelming.
We want to thank all those individuals and agencies who have been in touch to offer support both practical and emotional and we will respond, but as we are sure you will appreciate, this is a very busy time.
Our planned closure date is the 31st March 2022. We will continue delivering support through the HelpDesk until a new home is found and the transfer is complete.
For further information:
Small Charities Coalition